California has many heavily populated towns, and San Luis Obispo is a busy city for families and workers. Many working people choose to bike as their primary mode of transportation, especially through busy and heavily-trafficked cities. Bicycling is better for the environment than driving, and it also is a great form of exercise and cardio. If you are thinking about biking more and you want to know how to navigate your busy city streets, read on for these helpful safety tips for a bicyclist:
- Pass other cyclists on the far edge of the lane: Just like when you’re driving, you should pass other cyclists the same way: use the far left of the bike lane to pass others. If the bike lane is to the left of traffic, pass on the right.
- Lock your bike: Big cities have a bigger chance of theft, so it’s crucial to learn how to keep your bike safe from bike thieves. Buy a heavy-duty bike lock and secure your gear properly.
- Buy the right bike: Depending on where you live, you’ll need a suitable bike to take on the specific terrain you’ll be riding on. For city bikers, it’s best to purchase a simple single-speed bike. They’re lighter and require less maintenance, but if you live in a hilly city, you could go for a multi-speed bicycle.
- Know about any potholes or road damage on your route: Bicyclists need to be extra vigilant while riding through the city, because if you take your eyes off the road or space out for a second, you could run over a pothole or other road block and cause yourself serious injuries.
- Be cautious of pedestrians: Pedestrians are more aware of cars then bicycles because bicyclists are a much smaller visual target than cars, making them difficult to see, especially without aids like bright, reflective clothing. Be aware of any pedestrian jaywalkers that aren’t checking the bike lane before crossing; it will be up to you to swerve out of the way and also not hit any other cars, bicyclists or crossing pedestrians.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a bicycle accident, you should contact our San Luis Obispo bicycle accident lawyers today for a consultation and more information.