Studies indicate that some breeds tend to bite more frequently than others. If you or a loved one suffers serious injury from a dog bite, consult our Lompoc dog bite attorneys to find out about the prospects of recovering compensation.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) collected information from various sources about dog bite attacks and fatalities, which included data about the dog’s breed. Information gathering began in 1979 and covered a 20-year span. While there were at least 238 dog bite fatalities reported that involved 25 dog breeds during this 20-year period, pit bulls and Rottweilers accounted for more than half of the 238 deaths. Also, 227 fatality reports revealed the following information:
- An estimated 55 percent of the dog bite deaths involved unrestrained dogs off the owner’s property
- Around 17 percent involved dog bite fatalities caused by restrained dogs on the owner’s property
- Only one percent of the dog bite fatalities resulted from restrained dogs who bit people while off the owner’s property
- From 1981 to 1992, pit bull type breeds accounted for an estimated one-third of human dog bite related fatalities
- Between 1993 through 1996, Rottweilers accounted for approximately half of human dog bite-related deaths
- The majority of dog bite victims were children
The American Veterinarian Medical Association reports that other breeds may also bite and cause fatalities at higher rates than pit bulls and Rottweilers. Sometimes there is a problem determining a dog’s breed, because many are mixed breeds. Of people bitten, those that die are a proportionately small number of people.
If you or a loved one is a dog bite victim, find out how Lompoc injury lawyers can help.
James McKiernan Lawyers has extensive legal experience and offers a free consultation to evaluate your case.