James McKiernan Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help You Through an 18-Wheeler Accident
When a semi truck collides with a regular passenger vehicle, the damage tends to be much more devastating than a typical car-versus-car accident. Due to their massive size and weight, trucks are more difficult to control and can easily cause serious injury and wrongful death if an accident does occur.
Factoring in other issues that come along with tractor-trailers, such as driver fatigue or faulty loading jobs, means that the truck driver and/or the trucking company are often to blame for these serious wrecks. However, commercial trucking companies may have vast resources at their disposal that they can use to fight even rightful claims.
Therefore, to protect your future and your finances, you should always consult qualified truck accident lawyers before you sign anything or file a lawsuit.
At James McKiernan Lawyers, our qualified team of truck accident attorneys have decades of experience representing truck accident claims. If you sustained serious injuries or lost a loved one in a trucking wreck, then we may be able to help. We can investigate your accident to determine all liable parties. Then, we can assist you in pursing compensation through all available avenues.