Six hundred people were killed or injured in auto accidents in San Luis Obispo in 2013 according to the California Office of Traffic Safety. Their website reveals that 78 of those accidents involved alcohol and 23 victims were killed or injured due to drunk drivers under the legal age of 21 years old. Motorcycles accounted for 39 total accidents and 60 pedestrians were killed or injured by automobiles that year. Ninety-two bicyclists also experienced a collision with an auto in 2013. Most of the collisions were caused due to speeding drivers, although law enforcement reports that a significant number of collisions happened at night when the drivers could not clearly see the road.
Our team of professional San Luis Obispo auto accident lawyers are trained to investigate each auto accident. We can determine who was at fault and help you receive compensation for any injury or loss. Our law firm provides powerful legal advocacy for clients who were involved in head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, drunk driving cases, and many more cases.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a San Luis Obispo auto accident, please contact us today by email or call us 805-476-4304 for a free consultation. We will carefully examine your case to determine which approach is the best one to help you win your case. At James McKiernan Lawyers, we investigate what caused your accident, discover who was at fault, and help you collect compensation for any personal injuries you suffered.